ERC-Employee Retention Credit

ERC (Employee Retention Credit) is a refundable tax credit for businesses and tax-exempt organizations. We have an easy way to see if you qualify. It will only take you minutes to fill out the form, up to $26,000 per employee. There are no upfront costs, fees or obligations. This program will only be available until 2025. Requirements differ depending on time period that you are claiming. ERC is not available to individuals.


The credit is available to qualifying companies that paid qualified salaries to part or all of their employees between March 12, 2020, and January 1, 2022. The credit amount and eligibility varies based on when the business effects occurred. Eligible employers must have paid qualifying wages to claim the credit.

Businesses that qualify are those that were effected by any of the following:

  • Were forced to close because to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 or the first three calendar quarters of 2021 by a government order
  • Had the requisite drop in gross receipts throughout the eligible periods in 2020 or the first three calendar quarters in 2021
  • Qualified as a recovery starting business for the third or fourth quarters of 2021


The ERC is subject to several constraints. Employers, for example, cannot claim the ERC on salaries reported as payroll expenditures for Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness. For the purposes of the ERC, qualified salaries do not include payroll expenditures associated with subsidies for closed venue operators or restaurant revival funds.

You do not have to pay back ERC. It is funding under the CARES Act given to employers that kept employees working even tough they were losing profits during the COVID-19 pandemic.


We Will Connect You To The Best

In all we do, we keep (ONLY) your best interests in mind. We are here to help you make the most of the finances available to you via this program. Leaving nothing undone or unverified to guarantee that you and your business get the most out of this program. We are noticing that practically every organization we start with is qualified for this program, thanks to the mechanisms we put in place to evaluate credentials. Even if “Other Experts” had assured them they weren’t.

This ERC Credit Program is meant to assist us in overcoming the COVID-19 Nightmare. We need to return to normalcy, and many of us thrived in a vibrant economy prior to COVID-19. Let us assist you in getting back there with this fantastic Program.

ERC-Do You Qualify

If you haven’t already begun the application process, GO HERE to check whether you qualify. It only takes a few minutes to find out how much you are eligible for. Then, within 3-5 business days, you will receive a comprehensive summary and data on what is accessible for your company. Then it’s on to processing and the backlog in order to get you paid as soon as feasible. The sooner you start, the better. This is quickly filling up, and the money are running out. Get what is accessible to you as soon as possible.