EMF Protection

We should all take EMF protection seriously because EMF pollution surrounds us wherever we go, and our exposure to it increases as the years pass. EMF is ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. This year 86% of the world’s population has a smartphone. Most of our homes have a tablet and or a laptop computer. And it is safe to say almost every home has a microwave, a wireless router and a smart TV.

Every store, restaurant or business you enter has EMF running through it. Electric and magnetic fields, also known as radiation, result from the flow of electrons or current across a wire, and they are invisible energy fields. We have a device called tuün™ RESONATE that you can wear and it will protect you from the EMF around you, where ever you go.

Most have become accustomed to electronic conveniences. However, few of us are aware of the potential health concerns posed by the devices that keep our world running. Some specialists are concerned about the health consequences of these fields. Should we be concerned?

While most studies show that most EMFs are not hazardous, some experts still debate the safety of EMF exposure. Many argue that there hasn’t been enough research regarding whether EMFs are safe. I would say that you can never be too careful.

Here are a few of the benefits of wearing tuün™ RESONATE :

EMF protection
  • Helps reduce free radical damage
  • Helps enhance the sense of well being
  • Improves focus & mood
  • My decrease Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
  • Improves sleep
  • Aids in enhancing vitality

High Quality Protection

tuün™ RESONATE includes advanced technology that helps the body fight off EMF pollution. Letting go of our devices is difficult as we depend on them daily. Having tuün™ RESONATE will create a bubble of protection for you from the EMF. For the best results you can wear your pendant or carry it in your pocket. At night you can place the pendant under your pillow or on your bedside table. Just be aware that every year there are more devices coming out that will add to the level of EMF around us. It is never too soon to protect yourself.


Earthing ( AKA grounding) is the contact with Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside, lying on the ground or being outside in nature. This is a healing technique the helps realign your electric energy. tuün™ is made to enhance the effects of earthing, keep you balanced, strong and rested. This will provide relief from fatigue, stress and tension.

EMF Protection

More EMF Protection Options

For other options in EMF protection please Click RESTORE MY SPECTRUM and see the pendants handmade in Bali called Chi O.