Stop Stinky Dog Farts

We all love our pets, however you have to admit we do not love the smell of their flatulence. Want to stop the stink of dog farts? There are various methods you may take to solve the issue of nasty dog farts. First and foremost, you must assess your dog’s food. Make sure you’re providing them high-quality, balanced dog food that’s tailored to their unique needs. Feeding them table scraps or items known to induce gas, such as beans, broccoli, or dairy products, is not recommended. Consider feeding smaller, more often meals rather than one huge dish, since this can help with digestion. Exercise on a regular basis is also useful for keeping a healthy digestive tract. Finally, if the condition persists or worsens, see your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health concerns that might be causing the flatulence. And last but definitely not least, try Paw-Pourri The Original Canine Tootralizer, from the creators of “Sneak a Squeak” that will take the smell from their farts. It is a safe and all natural supplement, you can use it occasionally or regularly on your pet to neutralize their gassy odor. PEEWWW!!

Please watch this video

Take The Odor Out Of Brown Thunder

Passing gas is natural and a sign of good health, however it surely smells like rotten eggs most of the time. That is because your gas is hydrogen sulfide and it is poisonous. So it is not just stinking up the room, it is also poisoning everyone in it. In a very small amount of course, no one ever died from smelling a fart. The smell is all from the bacteria in your gut.


This product is all natural and vet recommended. It is completely safe for your pet. It goes to work in a few short hours and will last 8-12. No more worrying about the silent, but deadly gas from their furry behinds. This product will not harm the good bacteria in your dogs gut.

Product Guarantee

100% money back guarantee. You can get a 10% discount if you set up a monthly shipment. What do you have to loose? I mean, “Dog farts don’t stink” said no one ever. This product is so popular it has been shown on USA Today, NBC, CBS and Fox.

Sneak A Squeak

There is a human product on the market as well. This is also an all natural and safe product. It can be used daily or on occasion as needed. It will neutralize your gas so you can do what needs to get done with confidence. Afterall “You can’t teach a fart not to stink”! The activated coconut charcoal, chlorella and other ingredients attach the smally stuff in your gut and neutralize them before they ever exit your butt. It will eliminate the smell, but not the sound. This results in fresh air being released from your butt.

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